Von der Recherche zum Buch EDJC 2024
36 people attended the lecture. Ruth Patzelt talked about her research into Jewish history of Lockenhaus. A book is being planned:
In addition to the memory of the Jewish families from Lockenhaus, the book will also contain reports on the time of the so-called wild Aryanisations and the period of National Socialism in the village, as well as essays and short stories and stories from contemporary witnesses.
The lecture was followed by coffee and wine, strudel and rugelach and many conversations about a time and history of Lockenhaus that had long been kept secret.
The book comes into being
From research to book. Remembering the Jewish families of Lockenhaus. Talks and lecture on the results of Ruth Patzelt's research at ‘Kugel, Strudel und Rugelach’. Start 16:00 hrs. Old monastery, Klostergasse 6, Lockenhaus. Please register by 29 August. Admission free. In co-operation with the Burgenländische Forschungsgesellschaft. The book is not yet finished. New insights are constantly being gained during the research. Visiting archives, researching the archives and memorial pages on the Internet, reading up on the many books written by historians... all this takes time. But it's worth coming to the lecture and listening to a comprehensive interim report and perhaps having a say and thus helping to shape the book. After the 40-minute lecture there will be coffee, kosher wine, strudel and perhaps also rugelach - those Jewish crescents who can bake them