Regina/Recha Stössel (Blum)
Regina Recha Rakhel Stössel, was born on 28 June 1892 in Krumbach, the daughter of Moshe and Esther Blum, died in 1944 and was the sister of Käthe (Gittl) and Berta Blum (both married with Stössel brothers in Lockenhaus). She was mother of five children (Wilhelm, Moritz, Sofie, Gertrude and Johanna) and wife of Max Mordechai Zwi Stössel. Already before 1938 the family went to Oberwart. Her last residential address in Austria was Vienna 2, Herminengasse 10/3a.
The entire family was deported from Vienna to Theresienstadt on 01.10.1942; transfer from Theresienstadt to Auschwitz: on 09.10.1944
Im Zuge der Recherche für diese Homepage wurde eine bislang unbekannte (letzte?) Adresse der Familie in Wien auf einem Schriftstück gefunden: Franz Hochedlinger Gasse Nr.3?/I.Stock