Shalom Lockenhaus
If we don't forget it, it can never happen again!
This is the main theme of this homepage! Welcome and Shalom! Since 1 September 2019 - the European Day of Jewish Culture - this website, a memorial page to the Jewish population of Lockenhaus, has been online. This homepage is only partly translated into english, please for understandig, it´s work in progress.
Wenn wir es nicht vergessen, kann es niemals mehr passieren!
For a long time, Jewish history was suppressed and deliberately concealed in Lockenhaus. No traces are visible anymore. One does not talk about it. It´s forgotten history. The memorial for the Lockenhaus victims of the Shoa (Mahnmal) which has stood near the site of the former synagogue since 2008, is a visible sign of remembrance in the village. In the course of the commemoration week 1938.2018 Shalom.Nachbar (neighbour) in November 2018, the memorial was restored, in 2019 the homepage was established. Never again shall what has happened happen. There is agreement on that. Above all, the young generation in Lockenhaus should be taught what happened, what consequences it had and how it can be prevented. The homepage shalom-lockenhaus also sees itself as a source of inspiration to familiarise oneself with the Jewish history of Lockenhaus as well to research it. For a very long time, the memorial for the Lockenhaus victims of the Shoa was difficult to find behind a high hedge. 2022 the hedge was cuted. To draw attention to it, to bring the memorial stone back into the focus of everyday life in Lockenhaus, this is also what this homepage wants to point out.
For a long time Jewish culture was an important part of Lockenhaus and it is pointless to repress it. Here this heritage of Lockenhaus shall be made visible and the names of the Jewish neighbours shall be mentioned again.
Search for traces
Much of what has happened can no longer be historically reconstructed because documents and files have disappeared from time. Letters and photos as well as contemporary witnesses are missing. Nevertheless! It is possible to find new insights through research and asking questions for at least give back their history to the murdered Jews from Lockenhaus - to make their life in Lockenhaus visible again! Further research after the homepage appeared located descendants of the Stössel family and the Süss family and valuable information could be exchanged and passed on. is a memorial site and not a scientific research site. All data given were researched to the best of our knowledge and belief and quoted according to the sources. New findings will be announced under "News". To the email address you can send your own knowledge, old photos, letters, stories known from stories, memories told by grandparents or great-grandparents, etc.

This number is engraved in the pedestal at the memorial for the Austrian victims of the Shoa at Judenplatz in Vienna. The memorial designed by Rachel Whiteread touches in its simplicity and power. More than 65,000 Austrian Jews - children, adolescents and adults - were murdered in the Shoa.

Since November 2018, thirteen names are engraved at the Shoa Memorial in Lockenhaus, a small village in central Burgenland. In 2008 the memorial was erected and in the course of the memorial project 1938.2018 Shalom.Nachbar it was extended by two more names of victims. It is verifiable that thirteen people from Lockenhaus lost their lives in the concentration camps Auschwitz, Łodz, Maly Trostinec, Modliborzyce, Theresienstadt and Dachau.
Max, Regina, Wilhelm, Moritz, Sophie, Gertrude, Johanna, Julie, Berta, Maier, Emanuel, Alexander, and Irene
The homepage is a memorial page for all Shoa victims from Lockenhaus, even for those whose fate we do not know.
Never again!
"If we don't forget it, it can never happen again."
— Ruth Patzelt, 1 September 2019